OEB Architects

OEB Architects was established in 2018 to make work of imagination and social good. The practice builds on over 30 years of combined experience in architecture, teaching, and construction. The office has an open and conversational approach, investigating what makes each project personal to a client. They explore architectural ideas through thoughtful engagement with contemporary construction methods, material character, and cultural context. Each project seeks a specific meeting place between simplicity and complexity, roughness and refinement, the generic and the particular.

OEB has a consciously and continually developing approach to sustainability, analysing and assessing the most suitable methods for each project at hand to ensure that the architectural and sustainable approaches are integrated, and that sustainability measures are an inherent part of achieving the design ambitions of the project. OEB practices on the basis that there is room for both high and low tech approaches to sustainability in construction, often employing a mixture of the two. They prioritise a ‘fabric first’ approach to energy reduction and to the reduction of harmful and un-recyclable materials in their specifications.

The Modern House Says
"We love their work to a north London house, where the driving idea for the extension was 'built with as little as possible'."