Macdonald Wright Architects

Macdonald Wright Architects is an award-winning RIBA Chartered Practice, best known for creating crafted, low-energy architectural projects. Founded by James Macdonald Wright in 2005, the east London practice has defined a signature approach of sensitively designing contemporary regional vernacular architecture, combined with cutting edge levels of sustainability.

Caring Wood (2017) in Kent won Britain’s most prestigious domestic architecture award, the RIBA House of the Year. The house takes inspiration from regional vernacular Kentish oast forms to develop a sculptural-roofed, multi-generational home and art gallery while achieving the highest levels of sustainability. Caring Wood also received RIBA awards Nationally, Regionally and for its Sustainability.

The Library House (2020) in Hackney explores similar concepts for a compact urban infill site, achieving a sensitive affordable design with low-embodied energy and outstanding running costs of 1/10 that of a new build house under current Building Regulations.

At all scales and budgets, MWA’s architecture is designed to improve with age, selecting materials and developing detailing to create a rich patina over time. Macdonald Wright Architects provides a bespoke service for domestic commissions which vary in scale and complexity from individual pieces of furniture to large private houses.

The Modern House Says
"It's the range of scales that impress most – everything from the exceptional scale of Caring Wood, right down to a piece of furniture."

Macdonald Wright Architects on The Modern House