What We're Hearing: Le Corbusier projects added to World Heritage List

Villa Savoye, The Modern House
Guiette House, Le Corbusier, The Modern House
Photography: José Manuel Alorda
Maison Curutchet, Le Corbusier, The Modern House
Photography: OM Gambier, FLC / ADAGP

Seventeen projects by seminal 20th-century Modernist Le Corbusier have been added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List of internationally significant architectural sites.

The 17 sites were built over 50 years and are spread across seven countries. Amongst them were a number of Le Corbusier’s residential properties, including Maison Guiette in Antwerp, Belgium, Villa Savoye in Poissy, France, and Maison Curutchet in La Plata, Argentina.

See all 17 projects here.

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