What We're Seeing: Carol Bove and Carlo Scarpa exhibition

Maccarone by Carol Bove
Brion Cemetery by Carlo Scarpa
Vitrine by Carlo Scarpa (right) Conversations with Jorge Luis Borge (left). Credit: Luca Meneghel

Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa
Henry Moore Institute, Leeds
Until 12th July 2015

This joint exhibition places eight sculptures by the contemporary New York-based artist Carol Bove alongside some rarely seen exhibition furniture, sculptures and architectural prototypes by Carlo Scarpa (1906–78). Scarpa is famous for his modernist architecture in Italy, including the concrete Brion Tomb in San Vito d’Altivole near Treviso. Both artists employ materials such as concrete, bronze and wood in their sculptures and installations. For more information visit the Henry Moore Institute.

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